90 days of blog posting complete
I set out 3 months ago to start 90 days of blog posting. The goal was to publish a blog post every day for 90 days. If you miss a day, you start back at day 1.
When you first think about it, this seems like a impossible task. How could I possibly have enough time with all the other things I am doing to take the time to write a blog post every single day? I’m here to tell you it was easier than I thought, but there were days and weeks where it was definitely a challenge.
I am sure about one thing, I learned a lot with this process. I learned that I’m capable of doing it and I definitely became faster at writing during the process. When I started, blog posts would take me up to 4 hours to complete. Some of the best posts during this challenge, I have written in as little as 30 minutes. I feel like the quality has fallen off though in the recent weeks so I’m excited take a bit of a break, then come back and focus on more quality posts.
The way I was able to do this challenge was that I always wrote blog posts about something that I either thought about that day, or had a conversation about. I didn’t just sit down in the evening and think of a totally new topic. I thought back over my day, or the previous day, and said to myself “How can I turn this into an article?” This made the writing a lot easier because I had thoughts and ideas that I could write down that were fresh in my brain.
Several of the blog posts I have written, I doubt I could write them today. They would be much harder to get my ideas down because the thoughts wouldn’t be in my brain. I’m excited to continue blogging though, but I need to focus my time on some other things for a bit. But I’m definitely glad I did this challenge, it taught me a lot and opened up many new opportunities.
Thank you for following along! More posts coming soon.
List of my top 3 favorite posts