Do what you can’t, because you can.
A lesson from Casey Neistat
“The haters, the doubters are all drinking champaign on the top deck of the the Titanic, and we are the f***ing iceberg” — Casey Neistat
“Do what you can’t.” Those words resonate in my mind daily now and give me purpose; they give me motivation to keep going. Those words drive me to continue writing these blog posts, to create communities, and to help people succeed.
Those words describe how I have lived my life every day for almost the past two years, and I will carry those words with me forever.
A little less than two years ago I did something that was super scary, something that took a risk, and something that some people said I couldn’t do. I quit my job and started traveling around the world. And since then, I’ve done so many things people often say they can’t do, but they can!
I’ve lived on 3 different continents, I have crossed the ocean by cruise ship twice, I have attended events with multi-millionaires, I have become a photographer, I have become a videographer, and I have built a piece of software that solves a real need in the world. All because I thought I could, and I believed I could.
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right.” — Henry Ford
Henry Ford said it best, if you think you can’t do it, you are right. But if you think you can, I promise you that you can. It may take a lot of work, it may even take a lifetime, but if you start planting the seeds towards your goals, you can do anything.
I now have an ambitious goal, I want to change the world. I know that sounds crazy, and I know that seems impossible. But you know what? I think I can, and I believe I can.
“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” — Rob Siltanen
I definitely won’t be able to do it alone, but I already know that I have help. As I’m writing this blog post, my friend Stella from the Nomad Cruise just mentioned me in a Facebook comment about an idea I had for myself just 5 months ago.
There is a group of film makers and creators that just launched a kickstarter called “The Traveling Good.” Their plan and their goal is to travel around the United States for 10 weeks to document and film all that is good about this beautiful country I call home.
Most of you know that I’ve been rather vocal about my view of what is happening in the world and I think we are headed in the wrong direction. But that doesn’t mean we can’t shift the pendulum back the other way.
And we do it by creating content, we do it by helping others, we do it by telling stories, and we do it by thinking outside the box with ideas like “The Traveling Good.”
Most may think I’m crazy. Most may think I can’t change the world. But that doesn’t matter, because I’m going to do what I can’t, because I believe I can.
“They said it will be hard to change the world, but you will.” — Hoda Kotb
I didn’t intend for this blog post to turn into a plan to change the world, but that’s what happened!
That’s what happens when you have a community behind you with a similar goal and your friend on the other side of the planet tags you in a post that you would not have seen otherwise; while you are writing a blog post about doing what you can’t. That’s the real power of social media and that’s why I know we have the tools to succeed.
I’m not saying everyone has to save the world, I just want you to think about Casey’s words.
Because if you be believe you can do what you can’t, you can.
If you want to learn about more inspiring ideas and people, I welcome you to check out the Those That Inspire community. We are a like-minded community of doers that help each other succeed in business and in life; and we have a lot of fun at the same time. We will help you do what you can’t. You can find out more about the group and our current 90 Day Content Challenge by clicking on the links.