Here’s a weird thought. Let’s put the kids in the White House, clearly the adults can’t handle it anymore.

Patrick Farrell
3 min readFeb 24, 2018


I am so inspired and proud of these students in Florida. I use the term kids as a joke but these young adults clearly know what they are doing and are on a mission to change the world. To see them act with such passion and determination just after they have suffered such a tragedy is inspiring.

I wish it didn’t come down to another school shooting to cause this movement. I wish I had done more after it had happened at my school, Virginia Tech. I wish I had done more after it happened after each and every school shooting since.

But I’m going to do something now. I’m going to help these students change the world, I’m going to show up at the marches, I’m going to write blog posts, I’m going to take photos, I’m going to organize events, and I’m going to do everything I personally can to make sure this never happens again.

But it isn’t just about these school shootings, it is everything. I can’t tell you a single thing that I’m happy with our government about right now. They are destroying our environment, they are taking away peoples rights, they are bankrupting our country, and they are putting us in a dangerous position as the leader of the free world. All because of a few greedy people that were able to con half the nation into believing in their agenda.

But I can see change happening. I can see that people are tired of this. I can see people caring for others, I can see people being more active in politics, I can see people caring more about the environment, and I can see people making sure they are educated on what is actually happening in our country.

I’ll be honest, before this past couple of years I didn’t pay enough attention to any election besides the presidential election. But for the rest of my life, I can promise you that won’t be the case.

I will research and know who is running for office. I will know what they plan to do once they are in office. I will do my best to make sure others are educated about politics. And I will keep our politicians accountable for how they represent us as a state, a country, and a planet.

I know I can’t do it alone. No one person has enough time to keep track of everything that happens. There are just too many bills being passed, land being sold, permits being issued, and meetings being held for anyone one person to keep up with it. But that’s why I will work with others to make sure we fix this current situation and not end up here again.

“I want the world to be a better place because I was here” — Will Smith

Will Smith’s words live in my brain daily now. I am living not just to give myself, my friends and my family a good life; I am living to make sure this planet is a better place when I leave.

But it all starts with the passion of these kids. They are going to change the world, I can feel it. So however we can help them, let’s do it. And let’s do it like our lives depend on it, because they do.



Patrick Farrell
Patrick Farrell

Written by Patrick Farrell

Founder and Business Coach for Online Entrepreneurs and Coaches. I help people create more freedom in their life and connect to their purpose.

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