January in Review
I didn’t make any specific new years resolutions for 2018 since I think that resolutions often fail. But I do have a lot of goals set for myself this year, so I plan to keep track of my accomplishments towards them each month.
Today is February 1st, so to keep myself on track for 2018, I want to write a monthly summary on the first of each month on what was accomplished over the previous month. I may have to keep the public version of this somewhat vague for business reasons but I want to share with you as much as I can about what is going on each month.
So here goes.
- Took 15 hot yoga classes at Modo Yoga in NYC
- Wrote 31 blog posts on medium.com. This post is number 64 in a row.
- Found a new apartment in Brooklyn
- Had 1 paid photo shoot
- Had 5 unpaid photoshoots
- Began the process of creating my first technology product
- Worked to finish Nomatyk Media Manager’s MVP to get it ready for launch.
- Made several new connections including a meeting at the UN with Peace Boat, a meeting with Bronx.tech, and meeting a couple YouTubers.
- Attended two Ivy events and shook hands with the founder of Indiegogo.
- Took one trip to Washington D.C.
That’s all I can think of right now off the top of my head. I still had client work to make money to live here in NYC, but I mostly want to highlight the things that are outside of the normal day-to-day, I have to do this to live actions.
I want to highlight what I am doing to work towards my goals in 2018. I think by writing one of these posts each month this year, it will help me stay on track and see how far I have come at the end of the year.
Happy February everyone! This month is short, so get to work on those dreams!