There are endless ideas and problems in the world, let’s go implement them.
Tonight as I type this article, I’m actually struggling for a bit to come up with something to talk about in today’s blog. But I think that’s often a common issue among people; it’s not necessarily the execution of the idea that scares them, it is the coming up with the concept of the idea in the first place.
I think this concept is important, it often takes someone thinking outside the box to not only come up with an idea, but also to implement it. As we look back on history, this concept is prevalent everywhere. What if Alan Turing had never had the idea to come up with the first computer to decrypt the German enigma machine? What if the Wright Brother’s had never come up with the concept to fly?
I bet you life would be much different right now if it wasn’t for these few men that thought outside the box and said “I wonder what would happen if.” That’s how great ideas are made and implemented, someone has an idea and they bring it through to completion.
Whenever someone tells me they don’t have enough ideas about what they should work on or invent, I suggest that they just go watch a Sci-Fi movie and ask themselves “Do we have everything they have yet?” Most times the answer is going to be no.
It is crazy but true that many of the concepts from Sci-Fi movies actually turn into real life products. The mobile telephone for instance was originally inspired by the series Star Trek. And when I look at movies like The Martian, I wonder if everything he has there has already been implemented.
If the answer is no, then you have something you can try to build! But this reins true for almost anything in life. If you look around and realize what problems are present, you can come up with a solution. And if you can come up with a solution and it is a common problem, well you have just invented something that could be used around the world. So get out there are start solving problems, your life may never be the same again.