Work, life, heath and fitness balance
Maintaining a work/life balance is one of the biggest challenges we face as humans I think. We either have a boss that dictates a large portion of our time, or we have clients and goals that we want to continually meet as entrepreneurs.
I know I have struggled with it, even tonight. I’m writing this blog post at 10:20 PM with item still on my todo list for the day. But I think it is important not to forget about two additional factors that we often neglect when talking about our work/life balance; health and wellness.
To maintain our health and wellness, we have to make healthy decisions and be sure to include fitness in our daily lives. Ever since I returned from Bali, my to do list has been never ending, but I make sure to still take time out of my day to head to yoga to get a workout in. I also try to eat as healthy as I can, because if I’m not healthy and in good shape, it’s going to make it even more difficult to maintain that work/life balance.
So that’s my tip for you today, don’t neglect fitness. Your health is just as important as any other part of your life.